Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Blank
Cultural History of the Graeco-Roman World
In my reserach on religion in ancient societies, I focus specifically on practices through which religious groups separated themselves from the civic sphere and thereby gained space for establishing internal cultural systems and norms. I am particularly interested in specific forms of communication such as religious secrecy.
Ideally, your MGRK dissertation project should fall within this broader thematic field. You can find an exemplary topic here.
Recent publication:
Religiöse Geheimniskommunikation in der Mittleren und Späten Römischen Republik. Separatheit, gesellschaftliche Öffentlichkeit und zivisches Ordnungshandeln. Potsdamer Beiträge 82. Stuttgart: Steiner (im press).
contact: tblank@uni-mainz.de
website: https://www.instag.geschichte.uni-mainz.de/univ-prof-dr-thomas-blank/